Des Moines Dental Care is a caring team of professionals dedicated to providing a comfortable dental experience for you and your family. We understand that choosing the right dentist is an important decision and you can feel confident knowing that we offer the quality dental care, education and supportive services you deserve.
Des Moines Dental Care was established in Des Moines in 2017. We are committed to providing Des Moines and the surrounding area with exemplary oral health services; as a caring group of professionals dedicated to providing a comfortable dental experience for you and your family. We welcome patients of all ages! Learn more about our professional staff.
Our office offers a relaxing waiting area with cable television, WiFi and a fireplace. Each of our operatories has the ability to provide cable television, music, digital radiography, nitrous oxide sedation and equipment to reduce discomfort during anesthesia such as the DentalVibe®. Ask us about these options at your next appointment!
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